Jody Lin

(949) 377-5165

I am a Computer Science major at UCLA who loves to learn and fiddle with things in my free time! I also have a passion for teaching and spreading the love for CS :) Check out my Projects+More! section to check out what I've done!

About Me

Some fun facts about me...


Irvine, California


Playing guitar and going on hikes!


Programming languages, but also speaking! I love learning to speak new languages and am currently learning Mandarin and Korean! In the future, I plan to also learn Japanese. Also discovered I have a love for linguistics and enjoy taking linguistic classes at school.


Over the years I have found I absolutely love teaching and have spent much of my free time involving myself in clubs where I can do just that. I am the current advisor and former Vice President of UCLA ACM Hack where I have taught Python, Web Dev, and Android Mobile Development in some fun workshops. I also used to be a Code Coach at theCoderSchool where I taught young kids how to program in Python, HTML/CSS, and Scratch.

Work Experience

The the 2020 and 2021 summers, I had a wonderful time interning at Amazon Web Services on the Wallaby Team (aka AWS Signer). I had an amazing time getting to know my mentor and my manager and couldn't have made it through without them. I also learned a lot about AWS while independently working on my intern project :)


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UCLA ACM Hack Website
UCLA ACM Hack Website

UCLA ACM Hack's website built with React.js and Gatsby. Check it out for updates on Hack's events and README's from past workshops!

Sensortile Snake

Final Project for Engr 96C. A take on the classic Snake game that uses the accelerometer in a SensorTile IoT module to determine player movement. Implemented with C and Python.

MyCar App

An app created with React Native at LAHacks that provides a convenient place containing all information about your car. Implemented the Google Maps feature that allows users to track and time where and when they parked their car.

Bows and Arrows

Throwback to 11-year-old me living out my dreams of becoming Katniss Everdeen after making my own bows and arrows :)

© Jody Lin 2025