I am a Computer Science major at UCLA who loves to learn and fiddle with things in my free time! I also have a passion for teaching and spreading the love for CS :) Check out my Projects+More! section to check out what I've done!
Some fun facts about me...
Irvine, California
Playing guitar and going on hikes!
Programming languages, but also speaking! I love learning to speak new languages and am currently learning Mandarin and Korean! In the future, I plan to also learn Japanese. Also discovered I have a love for linguistics and enjoy taking linguistic classes at school.
Over the years I have found I absolutely love teaching and have spent much of my free time involving myself in clubs where I can do just that. I am the current advisor and former Vice President of UCLA ACM Hack where I have taught Python, Web Dev, and Android Mobile Development in some fun workshops. I also used to be a Code Coach at theCoderSchool where I taught young kids how to program in Python, HTML/CSS, and Scratch.
Work Experience
The the 2020 and 2021 summers, I had a wonderful time interning at Amazon Web Services on the Wallaby Team (aka AWS Signer). I had an amazing time getting to know my mentor and my manager and couldn't have made it through without them. I also learned a lot about AWS while independently working on my intern project :)
UCLA ACM Hack's website built with React.js and Gatsby. Check it out for updates on Hack's events and README's from past workshops!
Throwback to 11-year-old me living out my dreams of becoming Katniss Everdeen after making my own bows and arrows :)
© Jody Lin 2025